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JO Box Off Results & Pictures

Junior Olympics Box Off was held at the Cardinal Shehan Center in Bridgeport on Saturday, March 26, 2016. Connecticut vs. New England.

James Johnson (Boxing in Faith) vs. Christain Morales (New England)

Winner Morales

Diego Bengochea (Beat the Street) vs. Darwin Renia (New England - Beast Elite)

Winner Bengochea

Carlos Bermundez (Boxing in Faith) vs. Jose Burgeos (New England - Old School Boxing)

Winner Bermundez

Elias Short (Boxing in Faith) vs. Roland Velasquez (New England)

Winner Short

Joseph Chisholm (Strattford Pal) vs. Mario Rodriquez (New England)

Winner Rodriquez

Jacquez Cazeau (Machete) vs. Keith Torres (Niagara Falls)

Winner Torres

Mario Mani (Ortiz Boxing) vs. Eric Palaski (Beat the Streets)

Winner Palaski

Kevin Cruz (Stattford Pal) vs. Brandon Ayala (Old School Boxing)

Winner Ayala


Anthony Ferraiolo (Boxing in Faith) vs. Storm Durfee (New England)

Winner Ferraiolo

Efrien Nieves (Boxing in Faith) vs. Luis Miguel Hernandez (Ortiz Boxing)

Winner Hernandez

Christobal Merrero (Whaling City) vs. Anthony Laureno (Bare Bones)

Winner Marrero - Laureno down in the 2nd

Christopher Rafael (Ortiz Boxing) vs. Grahan Caseo (Bare Bones)

Winner Rafael - Rafael got the count in the 2nd

Ihor Laba (Heavy Hitting) vs. Pawel Banasiak (Hartford Boxing)

Winner Laba

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